- The RING: On Instrumental TimeessayreWire2025
- Ho Tzu Nyen’s “Time & the Tiger”reviewe-flux2025
- “Anything can come after anything else…”re-printe-flux index #22024
- Elephants Without Tusksre-printe-flux index #42024
- Bodies of Sound: Becoming a Feminist EarEssaySilver Press2024
- Five Shows to See During Art TorontoarticleFrieze2024
- Manifesta 15: Barcelona Metropolitanareviewesse2024
- Survival Kit 15: Measuresreviewe-flux2024
- In Tangible NoisepanelThe Baker Museum2024
- Thinking decolonially towards music’s institutionre-printHerri2024
- Under the Weather: The wind in Twin Peaksarticlethe Wire2024
- “Signal to Noise” — John Monteith and Lou SheppardreviewC Magazine2024
- IS IT REAL? YES, IT IS! The 81st Whitney BiennialreviewTEXTE ZUR KUNST2024
- Fernando Palma Rodríguez’s “Āmantēcayōtl”reviewe-flux2024
- Writing Back Against Amazon’s Empire: Science Fiction, Corporate Storytellingacademic paperTripleC2024
- Aura Satz's ‘Preemptive Listening’ Investigates the Power of SirensinterviewFrieze2024
- Toronto’s Artists Respond to a City in FluxreviewFrieze2024
- Preemptive Listening SymposiumtalkTate Modern2024
- Worker as FuturistkeynoteGeorgia Institute of Technology2024
- Astrid Klein at Sprüth Magers, New Yorkreviewe-flux2024
- CCS Bard Speaker SeriestalkCCS Bard2024
- Tokyo Melody: A Film About Ryuichi SakamototalkTIFF2024
- War Art FellowshipAnnouncementNational Gallery of Canada2023
- SOLID STATES : On the Ljubljana Biennale of Graphic ArtsreviewTexte Zur Kunst2023
- Thinking decolonially towards music’s institution: A post-conference reflectionessaySeismograf2023
- Suzanne Kite: How to Make Art in a Good WayinterviewArt Review Oxford2023
- ☁️ Voice as One of the Things of the UniverseEssayPUBLICS2023
- Elif Saydam Articulates Neighbourhood AestheticsreviewFrieze2023
- 💎 Exhaustive Thoughts: Concerning the Life and Death of Zanis Waldheimsessaypost MoMa2023
- steirischer herbst: Humans and Demonsreviewmetropolis M2023
- ✊Amazon Workers’ Sci-Fi Writing Is Imagining a World After AmazonarticleJacobin2023
- Interview with Syrus Marcus WarepodcastThe ReImagining Value Action Lab (RiVAL)/ Lakehead University2023
- Molecular Dramas, Ane Graff at OSL ContemporaryreviewArtforum2023
- Model is the Message: Incredible Machines Conference 2022: Worker as Futuristbook chapterThe New Centre for Research and Practice2023
- Raven Chacon: solospodcaste-flux2023
- You Can't Trust Music and Other ThingstalkOCA/Kunsthall Trondheim2023
- Thinking Historically in the Present: 15th Sharjah Biennalreviewesse2023
- Instruments, Interfaces, InfrastructuresconferenceHarvard University2023
- Music’s institution and the (de)colonialconferenceLund University2023
- 💔 We Love You: Ryuichi Sakamoto, 1952–2023tributee-flux2023
- Raven Chacon: solosevente-flux2023
- Meleko Mokgosi Challenges Tropes of MasteryreviewFrieze2023
- 🌬️ Passenger: Migration Patterns of the Living and Those of the DeadessayArt papers2023
- 👻 What On EarthessayTe Magazine2023
- Messengers: an interview with Steven FeldinterviewOEI2023
- 🌎YCTM🌎 Chapter 4: To Hold The World Audibleprojecte-flux2023
- Recasting the Future with Amazon Workersbook chapterRoutledge2023
- Nikita Kadan: Victory over the Sunreviewart-agenda2022
- A Movement of the Earth Against the World: documenta 15reviewArt Papers2022
- Piña, why is the sky Blue?reviewArtforum2022
- Locating Echoes: Tessa Laird and Xenia BenivolskipodcastLiquid Architecture2022
- From East to West, Barbara Kozlowska at KunstvereinreviewArtforum2022
- Visual Arts Open Lecture: Ayesha Hameed and Xenia BenivolskilectureBanff Centre for Arts and Creativity2022
- 🦇 YCTM🦇 Chapter 03: The Art of Possibly Animate Thingsprojecte-flux2022
- 🔥YCTM🔥 Interlude: Chimera's Still Warm Bodyprojecte-flux2022
- Incredible Machines 2022conferencethe new centre2022
- Do Rocks Listen?workshopArt Gallery of York University2022
- Two Kinds of Knowledge Shaking HandsinterviewFlash Art International2022
- 🌱YCTM🌱 Chapter 02: SONIC BOOMprojecte-flux2022
- Thematic Residency: The Weapon of Theory as a Conference of BirdsLead FacultyBanff Centre for the Arts2022
- The Voiceless Mass and the Silent Choir: an interview with Raven Chaconinterviewthe Wire2022
- 🛸YCTM🛸 Chapter 01: Interplanetary Machinesprojecte-flux2022
- Signs of LifereviewArtforum2022
- Interplanetary MachinesrecordSecond Spring2022
- Is Amazon the Borg? We Asked Their WorkersarticleLos Angeles Review of Books2022
- Hectic cycles: A conversation with Chrysanne Stathacos 🔮interviewesse2022
- Toronto Biennial of Art: What Water Knows, The Land RemembersreviewArt Monthly UK2022
- Alanis Obomsawin at Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW)reviewArtforum2022
- ✨ YCTM ✨projecte-flux2022
- Pejvak: If need bereviewArt Agenda2021
- 🦜You Can't Trust Music 🦜essaye-flux2021
- Sensing Nature: Momenta BiennialreviewArt Agenda2021
- The Sky’s Like a Bell—the Moon Is Its TongueessayInfrasonica2021
- Zanis Waldheims - the exhaustive thoughtexhibitionArt Museum2020
- ShapeShiftPublicationSUGAR2019
- Pickle Politics: Slavs and TatarsexhibitionSUGAR2019
- Pickle Politics: Slavs and TatarsexhibitionSUGAR2019
- Ancient Sunlight: An Interview with Elizabeth A. PovinelliInterviewPublic Journal2018
- Tanya Busse: Against Posessionexhibition essayPodium2018
- Deferring Diffractions: Laurie Kangexhibition8eleven2017
- Stupid Sun: Julian Houexhibition8eleven2017
- Le Grand Balcon: Montreal BiennialreviewC magazine2017
- Feminist art MuseuminterviewTemporary Art Review2017
- Habitual Present: Walter Scottexhibition8eleven2016
- Your blue eyes, what the heck: Edgar Leciejewskiexhibition8eleven2016
- & A FOREST (PETRIFIES): Felicia Atkinsonexhibition8eleven2016
- Every sound is a small action and broke worldexhibition8eleven2016
- Start very quiet and get very loudpublication8eleven2016
- Lumapit Sa Akin, Paraiso (Come to Me Paradise): Stephanie Comilangscreening8eleven2016
- Night GalleryessayScapegoat2016
- Rodrigo Hernández: every forest madly in love with the moon has a highway crossing it from one side to the otherreviewC magazine2016
- Rearviews IVpublicationArt Metropole2016
- Online Artwork and the Status of the ‘Based-In’ Artist”essaye-flux superconversations2015
- Risky Rhythm: Nadia Belerique and Rosa Aielloexhibition8eleven2014
- Attila Richard Lukacs in Hollywood: Jordan TannahillPerformanceLUFF Art+Dialogue2014
- The silence of sirensessayThe New Gallery2014
- Coming to termsreviewMagenta Foundation2014
- Rearviews IIpublicationart metropole2013
- Beginning No End (Rearviews Vol I)publicationArt Metropole2012